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Brain Fog: How can Modalert help you?

Our mind is in a state of constant pressure tiring it out every day even more and more. This can have a significant effect on the user and further on our performance through the day. We however cannot let go of a goals just for the matter of being tired and unable to focus.

So what can we do for it? Smart drugs! Smart drugs are enhancing drugs. But we will see more on that a little later. Let us first see how the condition of brain fog works.

Brain Fog: What is it and does it affect us?

Brain fog is the common term used for dysfunction with cognition in focusing on various tasks, learning new things and using existing knowledge, memory that can create brief episodes of confusion, disorientation and frustrating moments. To be honest, brain fog is not an ailment that has a specific set of symptoms that can be rolled out. Brain fog is a condition that involves; memory problems, lack of mutual clarity, poor concentration and inability to focus on simple activities.

Causes of Brain Fog

Brain fog is very disturbing for the people since it hinders their progress. No clear causes of brain fog can be stated. The most common ones are listed below;

  • Stress

  • Lack of sleep (experts advice for at least 8-9 hours of proper sleep)

  • Hormonal changes

  • Diet

  • Certain medications can have an impact on the sleeping cycle of the person (usually medications for anemia, depression, diabetes, migraine, dehydration)

Blood tests can determine and help the doctor in giving you proper remedies for the ailments. A blood test can determine abnormal glucose levels, poor liver and kidney and thyroid conditions, nutritional deficiency, infections and/ or inflammatory diseases.

How can we find help with Brain Fog?

Smart drugs are known as the cognitive enhancers that find help with the ailment of brain fog. This is the medication route for the brain fog. There are, however, some home remedies that we can take for the proper treatment of the brain fog condition.

Let us look at some of them;

  • Experts have advised that you should sleep at least 8-9 hours and give ample amounts of rest to your body and the mind. This will help you cope back up with the challenges of the day and perform your duties with efficiency and with results.

  • We need to manage stress and should not panic or be anxious in any way. Increasing stress can have an impact on your health by augmenting your blood pressure which in turn has its own set of complications.

  • Our lifestyles determine the way we live. Avoid excessive drinking and smoking and even limit the consumption of caffeine per day.

  • Maintaining your physical health by regular exercises can augment your immunity and thus prevent any such problems.

  • Meditation can help with boosting the brain power that can improve your focus ability and memory, etc.

  • We should notice this that a monotonous schedule can bore out the person and can be a hindrance to the focus. As such find enjoyable activities for the day to keep you occupied when you are not working.

  • Increase the intake of your protein, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. Proper nutrition is key to giving your body and mind the physical and cognitive boost to fuel you for the challenges of the day.

Let us now see how the medications can fare up with the problem of brain fog.

Modalert: Medication to get you through

Modalert is one of the best medications for the treatment of various cognitive ailments. Smart drugs, are the key to helping people by increasing their brain activity. Perhaps the most famous among the smart drugs is Modafinil.

The Nootropic compound Modafinil is the world’s first to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the year 1998. There are various brand versions of the Modafinil. One of the best known meds is Modalert, which is manufactured by Sun Pharma in the Indian subcontinent.

Modalert is smart drug acting both as a cognitive enhancer as well as a medication that helps live our life with cognitive boost. Much like its parent compound Modafinil, it is FDA Approved. Let us look at how the medication works.


Modalert (Modafinil) works by increasing the hormones and the neurotransmitter in the body that facilitate cognitive boost and other bodily functions. The reuptake of Dopamine is inhibited and this causes the Dopamine to be collected in the form of a pool. This excess level of Dopamine helps us regulate mood and be more active thereby the decisions we take are often better than usual. Other hormones like Norepinephrine, Serotonin and Histamine are also increased. The cumulative effect of these increased compounds is what helps us be cognitively active and thereby avoiding the symptoms and the effects of brain fog.

Side Effects

Even with common side effects like fever, headache the intensity is far lesser. Any side effects, if seen should be immediately given medical supervision. The common side effects of Modalert are;

  • Headache

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

  • Upset Stomach

  • Dizziness

Symptoms of overdose

Symptoms that may be caused from overdose include excessive anxiety, blurred vision or chest pain. Mental confusion and strong headache may also be detected. Dry mouth, dizziness, nausea and sleeplessness are also some of the symptoms that could indicate to the patient an overdose. Overdose should be avoided at all costs as it can take the blood pressure of an individual to dangerous levels. It is therefore advised to follow the prescription as given by the doctor.


  • Always inform your doctor about any allergies, ailments or medications that you might be taking.

  • Never consume this pill with alcohol.

  • Expectant and breast-feeding women should avoid this pill. The effects of smart drugs like Modalert are untested on mothers and their babies.

  • Never take this pill with other smart drugs.

  • It should be noted that Modalert is not an alternative for rest.

Modalert is thus a med that can help us go through various challenges without losing focus and maintaining our fortitude for the results that we often look forward to.

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