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How Smart Drugs help us be more cognitively active?

21st Century: The challenges of today

As the world has advanced, so has the intensity of challenges one faces on a daily basis. Our human body is meant to be forced onto challenges to a certain limit. Slowly as we all give in to the challenges facing the world today, the brain and our physical metabolism itself takes a hit on a daily basis. This can bring in more and more detrimental effects on our body. Lack of sleep, difficulty in focusing on basic activities, unable to instantly recall important details are some of the many ways our brain slows down and makes us slow in turn.

Imagine a world where the people are active and wide awake right from the get go, and able to conquer their day with ease. People have already found their way around it with caffeine. Coffee is the go to drug for most people in need of a kick start for the day. How often have we stood in line for long for that one cup of mocha to get our engines running? Caffeine works by attaching itself to the Adenosine receptors. These receptors slow down our brain cell activity simply by binding to them and starting a chain reaction. Caffeine, however, fools the body by attaching itself to the Adenosine receptors and in turn speeding up our brain cell activity. However there are various side effects that can take effect as the person takes more and more if it. Some of the most widespread ones are listed below;

  • Anxiety (some people even find it difficult to maintain focus)

  • Insomnia (inability to sleep)

  • Rapid heartbeat, etc.

In due course of time however people started to look for alternative methods that can operate the same functions without the viable side effects that caffeine may bring about. Medical science has been developing day by day for the betterment of the human race. In time there were medications that could in fact enhance our brain activity graph and thus make us smarter and more active. Our decision taking ability improves and this instills a sense of confidence in the person.

Smart Drugs: Paving the way to an active life

Cognitive enhancing drugs are as popular as they can be now. The world of medical science today has gifted us with many products that can be used on a varied basis. Smart Drugs are an example of this. Smart drugs are cognitive enhancers that help in the increase of nerve activity. Let us more in detail as we move forward.


The world’s first oral smart drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the year 1998 is Modafinil. Following that Cephalon is the company to gain the rights for the sale of Modafinil or rather Provigil, the most popular brand version of the Modafinil Nootropic compound. There are various other brand versions of the Modafinil compound; Modalert, Modvigil, etc. Fun fact about Modafinil that it is the product of an experiment that was conducted for the treatment of Narcolepsy in France in 1986 under the name Modiodal, and in the United States since 1998 as Provigil smart pill.


Armodafinil is the next generation of smart drugs that originally stems from the Modafinil. With the intriguing nature of the human brain there has been a constant need to improve and enhance their potential to higher levels. With this in mind, R&D was conducted that brought on the next enhanced form of Modafinil: Armodafinil.

Armodafinil is the enhanced form of the smart drug Modafinil. The answer to the question “the enhanced form of Modafinil” was found in the very molecule of Modafinil itself. The R-enantiomer of the Modafinil molecule was further developed to form the Armodafinil Nootropic compound. In chemical sciences, the concept of enantiomer or as it is called an optical isomer, is one of two stereo isomers that are parallel images of one another that are identical and congruent. Armodafinil was approved for use and sale in the United States on 15th June 2007.

There are various benefits of Armodafinil over Modafinil Nootropic compound;

  • Armodafinil lasts for around 15 hours after consuming once and this has been one of the main factors of Armodafinil growing ever so popular in the medical market.

  • These compounds are considered to be more potent than Modafinil counterparts.

  • The number of side effects that arise from Armodafinil and its derivative drugs is lesser.

  • Most of the Armodafinil derived smart drugs have around 150 mg of Armodafinil compound in them. Whereas Modafinil compounds have around 200 mg of their active compound in them. This means for a lesser amount of the Nootropic compound the medication gives the same level of cognitive effect on the user.

Smart drug working

Smart drugs, regardless of the fact that they are Modafinil or Armodafinil drugs, have common way of working. The Dopamine neurotransmitter is inhibited from being taken up by the synapses and this causes the neurotransmitter to be collected in the form of a pool, which is later used by the body for its executive functions. Other hormones like Norepinephrine, Histamine and Serotonin also get augmented in levels. These increased levels of hormones give the cognitive edge and the keeps the person awake and active for how so long the smart affects the user.

Smart drugs are the new rave for the brain health and the ability to focus on the activities of the day. However practice proper precautions to prevent any possible effects of the Nootropic compound. Use smart drugs to get ahead of your competition.

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